Survey Center


Case Strategy clients benefit – through superior public opinion research completed at very reasonable cost – thanks to our preferred relationship with the University of New Hampshire Survey Center. The Survey Center conducts mail, telephone, Internet, E-mail, and self-administered surveys.  They are nationally respected, especially for their work with news media – including CNN, USA Today, Fox News, and the Boston Globe – and for the prominence given their findings during elections.  The Survey Center has over 20 years of experience with surveys based on probability sampling, surveys that target specific populations, surveys that utilize complex stratified sampling techniques, and panel studies.  Dr. Andrew Smith, PhD, directs the center activities and project manages all Case Strategy client research.

The Survey Center is located on the Durham, NH Campus of UNH.  Location on the campus of UNH is a tremendous asset that allows the Survey Center to attract highly educated interviewers and support staff.  It also provides easy access to campus based auxiliary services, including mail services, printing services, telecommunications services, electronic bubble-sheet scanning services, and computing and information services.

The facility features a 24-station Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) system using WinCati by Sawtooth Software. This advanced computer system and supporting software help make the Survey Center one of the most advanced survey research organizations in New England.  The enhanced efficiency that the system enables provides a less expensive, more efficient, and more reliable system of data collection, all of which directly benefits Case Strategy’s clients.


Amy assisted Kinney Drugs in a comprehensive review of our current business strategies as they relate to our five year strategic plan. The review involved an in-depth assessment of each of our different business lines in terms of current operations, market & competitive factors, future risks and opportunities and overall fit with our long term business strategy…. The end result of the project was a success.

— Craig Painter, Chairman & CEO, Kinney Drugs