PoGO® (Portfolio oGrowth Opportunities)

PoGO®– Case Strategy’s patented diagnostic growth-mix tool.

The core questions business strategy must solve for any company are:  “Where should I play?” and “How do I win?”  Selecting the wrong market space in which to play dramatically lowers the probability of business success.  PoGO® uses a patented approach to guide the mix, or “portfolio”, of growth opportunities a given company should pursue.  Powered by Watson – IBM’s cognitive computing engine – PoGO® ensures professional consulting strategy insight is only a click away.

To learn more, visit pogostrategy.com

Amy assisted Kinney Drugs in a comprehensive review of our current business strategies as they relate to our five year strategic plan. The review involved an in-depth assessment of each of our different business lines in terms of current operations, market & competitive factors, future risks and opportunities and overall fit with our long term business strategy…. The end result of the project was a success.

— Craig Painter, Chairman & CEO, Kinney Drugs